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Plumbing Inspection

Plumbing Inspection Services in Fort Wayne, IN

Most homeowners know how frustrating, messy, and expensive plumbing issues can be. While some problems are minor and simple to fix, often, small problems that might go unnoticed can lead to some pretty significant issues down the road. In some situations, you may not even realize you need the services of a plumber. For professional HVAC and plumbing services, call the experts at Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling.

We have over 50 years of experience helping the Fort Wayne community with their HVAC and plumbing issues. Our affordable and quality plumbing and HVAC repair and installation services have made us the leading choice when homeowners need help with plumbing issues, no matter how big or small. Keep reading to find out the major signs to watch out for that indicate you need the help of a professional plumbing service.

Low Water Pressure

Low or decreased water pressure is one of the first signs that you need the help of our expert plumbing technicians. While many people think low water pressure is merely an annoyance, it can signify serious plumbing issues, like a clog in the pipe. If you notice the water pressure dropping, schedule an inspection with us, so our technicians identify the cause and fix it straight away.

Mold or Mildew Growth

Noticing mold or mildew growth on the walls or cabinets in your bathroom is generally the sign of a leaky pipe. Mold thrives in environments that are damp, dark, and cool. If you see mold, then there’s excess moisture helping it thrive. Mold spores are incredibly toxic and dangerous to humans, so it’s vital to fix the root cause immediately before it causes health conditions or breathing issues.

Sky-High Water Bills

If you’re noticing an upward shift to your water bills and you can’t account for any extra usage (like watering the lawn or washing the car), then it’s time to call the professionals at Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling. Higher than average water bills can indicate a leak in the plumbing line, which is a significant issue that would need addressing straight away. We’re available 24/7, so contact us right away to schedule a plumbing inspection so we can find the root cause.

Slow-Clearing Drains

It’s common for showers and sinks to have a buildup in the drains of things like soap scum, debris, and hair. However, if all the drains inside your home are clearing slowly, it’s time to call a plumber. Slow clearing drains are usually a sign of clogs or a blockage in the main sewer line, which can cause severe issues if left untreated.

Brown Spots on the Walls or Ceiling

Noticing brown spots on the walls or ceilings is more than just a cosmetic flaw. Typically, that’s the sign that water is dripping down from above. Before making permanent repairs to the walls or ceiling, it’s vital to have a plumber find the cause of the drips and fix them right away. Otherwise, the brown spots will continue to appear until the main problem is repaired.

Peeling water or Paint

Is the paint on the bathroom walls starting to crack or peel? Typically, peeling or cracking paint in the bathroom is a sign of a leak behind the wall. This is dangerous-; it can slowly rot away the wooden frames in the wall and causes mold and mildew, which are highly toxic to humans.

Noisy or Rattling Pipes

Plumbing system pipes should be quiet, except for the occasional sound of water flowing through them. If you’re hearing the sound of rattling pipes, it could be the result of a phenomenon called a “water hammer.” When the flow of water through the pipes stops suddenly or even changes direction, it causes a shock wave that reverberates through the entire pipe system. That’s usually what causes that noisy rattling sound.

It can also cause more problems because loose pipes subjected to that shock wave can shake loose even further, causing more issues. Some common causes of the “water hammer” phenomenon include flooded air chambers or extremely high water pressure. Or, it could be that the pipes aren’t properly secured. Either way, hearing rattling pipes is a definite sign you need the help of an expert plumber.

Foul-Smelling Drains

Foul-smelling drains are actually normal-; after all, most shower drains aren’t going to smell like roses. However, if there’s a persistent foul smell or the smell of sewage, it could be a sign of a break or blockage in the sewer line. This can cause major issues: it can even flood your home with sewage or cause wastewater backup in the plumbing fixtures.

Plumbing Inspection in Fort Wayne

Even minor issues with the plumbing can lead to major problems down the road. If you’ve noticed any of the signs listed above, your plumbing system could need repair services-; which is why it’s crucial to schedule an inspection as soon as possible.

For quality HVAC and plumbing inspection services, call the Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling professionals. We also have emergency services available 24/7 to help when you have a plumbing problem requiring immediate attention. Contact us today to learn more or schedule a consultation and plumbing inspection.

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