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AC Replacement

AC Replacement in Kokomo, IN

Once winter weather begins to fade and warmer temperatures start creeping in, though, you probably start wondering if the AC system is going to work as it should when the need arises. There’s really not much of a way to test it out on your own when the temperatures are still fairly cool, but that first sweltering afternoon will certainly give you an idea of whether the system will serve you for another season. If there’s a chance it won’t hold out for a few more months, you may need Summers Heating and Cooling to come and check it out.

Expert AC Replacement Services You Can Count On

Here at Summers Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, we know just how important your air conditioning system is during the summer months. Without it, your home is a hot, miserable place where sticky air and grumpy dispositions reign supreme. We offer a full line of air conditioning repair services, and we’re experts in AC replacement. Contact us to learn more about the systems that are available or to have a new unit installed in your home.

How Do I Know if I Need to Replace My Air Conditioning System?

Deciding whether you need to replace your air conditioning system or simply have a tune-up or repairs made isn’t an easy feat. After all, some issues could simply mean that the ductwork needs to be cleaned or the thermostat needs to be recalibrated. Several problems can be warning signs that you need AC replacement, though. Take a look at some of the most common ones.

Little or No Cool Air

Numerous issues can keep your air conditioning system from cooling properly, such as low refrigerant levels, blocked vents or ductwork, and a malfunctioning thermostat. Insufficient cooling or failing to produce cool air at all could also mean that the system has reached the end of its effective lifespan, though. We’ll take a look at all the usual culprits to be sure they’re not the problem before recommending replacing the AC.

Unusual Sounds or Smells

Some air conditioning systems are naturally quieter than others. If you hear more than a dull roar when the system kicks on, though, you may have a problem. Annoying grinding or rattling is a surefire indication that it may be time to have a new AC unit installed. Strange smells could also mean the system is on its last leg. If the system smells like a car that’s running hot while it’s operating or you start smelling smoke, turn of the AC immediately and contact us for help.

Excess Moisture

In part, air conditioners cool the air by removing excess humidity. This leaves your air cool and relatively dry, and the moisture the unit draws out of the air should drain outside where it can’t do any harm. If the unit is leaking water into your home, it’s not doing its job. At the same time, if moisture is dripping from the air conditioning vents or forming on your walls and windows, you may need to consider replacing the system.


Most air conditioning systems last about 10 years. If you have us perform annual inspections and tune-ups, you may even get a few more years of life out of your unit. Still, it’s not going to hold out forever. In the event the system you have is 10 years old or more, it’s time to start thinking about replacing it even if it’s not giving you trouble. Doing so will save you a great deal of money in repair costs and rising energy bills in the long run.

Those are a few of the typical signs that you need AC replacement in Kokomo, IN. If we can repair your system and make it work effectively and efficiently, we will gladly do so. In many cases, though, replacing the system altogether is the less costly and more beneficial option. We’re happy to help you decide which new system would best serve your needs as well.

Out with the Old, In with the New

Replacing your air conditioning system can be a difficult decision. After all, it’s a major investment, and there are so many options to choose from these days. Don’t feel overwhelmed. Our air conditioning experts will take a look at your system to be sure replacement is the best alternative. From there, we’ll help you choose a new system and install it for you. Call us or use the form on our website to schedule an appointment, and let us help you enjoy consistent cool, clean air in your home once again.


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